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- Year 12's final days in pictures!
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Welcome to the final day for students in Term 3.
Today is the last official day of school for our Year 12 students. Their HSC exams begin with English Advanced, English Standard and English Studies on Wednesday, October 12 and we formally farewell them with a mass and dinner on Friday November 11. We will miss the Class of 2022 for their generosity, good humour, positive attitudes, attention to their studies and for being wonderful role models to the younger students. There have been a variety of fun activities this week to commemorate their final week. I know there is a real sense of sadness among the students but also one of hope and expectation as they move on to the next chapter in their lives. I am sure you will join me in wishing them all the best for their exams and future endeavours.
Our Man Cave program kicked off last week with a parent evening followed by a day for Year 9 boys. The presenters were very engaging and professional and the boys were extremely positive about the day. This first day focused on ‘self’, this is followed by a focus on ‘relationships’ and then ‘giving back to the community’.
I would like to congratulate Miss Jess Buchanan for being selected to be a part of a three week study tour to Rome and London during November and December. This tour is run by ACU and will be an opportunity for Jess to refine her leadership skills and to develop her knowledge of history, particularly the history of the Catholic Church.
Please remember that tomorrow is a public holiday and Friday, September 23, is a pupil free day. Students return on Tuesday, October 11 in full summer uniform.
Best wishes to all our families for a safe and restful break.
Kathy Holding
The final weeks of this term have been jam packed for mission and ministry opportunities at Hennessy. A huge congratulations must be given to Mrs Leanee Parkman for organising the Man Cave Academy to support our Year 9 boys and to the teachers who assisted them on their journey Mr Joe Kershae, Mr Luke Miller and Mr Peter Igow-Taylor. Throughout the day students demonstrated the strong men they truly were and chose to engage in the program with energy.
It has been wonderful to see the students working at the Young North Food Van and St Vincent de Paul again this term. Students at Hennessy very much demonstrate their passion for social justice and are so giving of their time in taking up these opportunities. A big thankyou to Jessica McInerney who has been instrumental in organising the program.
This week we say goodbye to our Year 12’s who we wish all the best to in their final studies for the Higher School Certificate. Their humour and good sportsmanship will truly be missed from the Hennessy community and we look forward to celebrating the end of your formal schooling years with your formal and Graduation Mass.
Heavenly Father, we bring before you our HSC students. Give them the gifts of wisdom, right judgement, knowledge and courage. Bless them with calm hearts and clarity of mind as they sit for their exams. May they be affirmed in their efforts and may they know that you are there with them. We pray that they will stay calm under pressure and work to the best of their ability. May they feel your loving presence in their lives, now and always, and may they be strengthened by the prayerful support of us, their parish community. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen
Next term we begin finalising the year for years 7-11 and welcome our new Year 7 cohort of 2023 into the school with some orientation days. Please contact the school office for more information regarding these dates.
A reminder that the second hand uniform pool is available for families to purchase from for a donation. If you would also like to donate to the clothing pool please contact the front office.
I wish all Hennessy families a safe and happy end of term break and I look forward to working with you all again in Term 4.
Parenting information website spotlight for the fortnight:
Mary Wright
Assistant Principal - Mission & Ministry
Congratulations to Year 12 for completing their study at school - there will be more time to celebrate after the exams end (not before) but we wish you every success in the HSC.
Well done Year 11 for completing your exams - it was a bit crazy this year with the unexpected public holiday but well done to you all. Have a great break and then come back with the mindset of hearing and using feedback to improve. The HSC lectures listed below (for Year 12) also have some Year 11 lectures as well if you are interested.
Year 12 HSC examinations
These are now on Compass for students but every student should log into Students Online to ensure their personal details are correct and to change their email to a private one.
Below is an article about the top 5 tips for parents to help their children during the HSC examinations. In summary the tips are:
- Assist with time management
You may be able to use your own experiences to help your child manage time effectively.
If the HSC seems overwhelming, you can help them to break down the course into manageable portions. Be sure to set a realistic study schedule with clear goals for each portion of study and include a reward for each goal.
Be sure to schedule relaxation and fun activities as well and let your child lead the timetable, it's their timetable after all.
- Be positive
Whenever possible, use positive language and actions around your child studying the HSC.
An example of a positive phrase that encourages without being judgmental is “how can I help with your study today?” This helps steer your child to the right path and gives them control of the situation.
Avoid using negative phrases such as “you’ll never pass the HSC if you don’t study” or “do you really think social media is a good choice right now?”
If under stress, your child may be very sensitive to any criticism whether implied or not. So be sure to ask questions that aren't judgmental and let them know they always have your support.
- Promote healthy lifestyle choices
A healthy body assists a healthy mind. Encouraging your child to eat and sleep well while staying fit can help them cope with any HSC-related challenges they face.
Research shows that there is a clear connection between sleep and brain activity. We also know that a good night's sleep is important for teenagers' mental health and that it directly affects how well students do in exams.
But it is not just sleep that we should be aware of. Staying active increases oxygen to our brain and stimulates it. UCLA studies found that exercise can increase brain growth and development. What you eat also has a big impact on your brain functions. This is particularly true for younger people who are still actively growing.
You can play a really important role in your child’s HSC year by pointing them to the right foods; healthy proteins and foods rich in antioxidants, encouraging them to stay active and sleep well.
- Direct them away from distractions
Our kids are living in a period with more distractions than ever before. Phones, gaming, social media and screen time generally, are a constant presence in their lives.
The use of phones especially can be addictive. A recent study of smartphone users showed that the average user checks their phones more than eighty times a day. While another study uncovered that children who spent two hours or more each day on screens achieved lower results in language and thinking tests.
As parents, you don’t have to rid your home of distractions, but you should talk with your children about reducing the use of their phones so they can stick to their study schedules.
- Stay calm and help combat stress
There’s no question that most HSC students are feeling the pressure. In fact, a University of NSW study found that 40% of HSC students displayed symptoms of depression, high stress or anxiety.
By helping to create a calm home environment, you can reduce their anxiety. You could also consider changes to their bedroom, so it is a space where they feel comfortable and relaxed to work.
Meditation is another good way to overcome stress. There are plenty of options to choose from too such as Headspace or Insight Timer.
As a parent or carer, you need to look after your own wellbeing too. As a family unit, you are part of the HSC journey.
Illness and Misadventure during the HSC examinations
NESA has its own forms and these will be on the Yr 12 Google classroom page and Compass.
It’s also vitally important that if any student is unwell or suffers from misadventure they contact either myself or Mr Mergard urgently for advice.
- Illness - this is for illness on the day or immediately prior to the exam. You MUST see a doctor on the day of the examination to have the correct form (C1) completed and in detail.
- Misadventure - anything that impacts the student immediately prior to the examination and is unforeseeable - you’ll need evidence and we can advise you what to supply. You’ll need to have form C2 completed as well.
Remember HSC exams cannot be rescheduled and you must attend to complete the course completely OR must have a valid reason supported by evidence to have the course counted if you do not turn up. Remember you can do exams if unwell (and not in COVID isolation) and still put in an Illness/Misadventure Form.
Free ATAR/HSC Lectures in the holidays
See here:
No harm getting some free advice and exam tips from former students who did pretty well so this may be helpful for a study plan. You might also like to divide them up with friends and share notes.
Assistant Principal - Teaching & Learning
Last week all students in Years 7-10 took the Progressive Achievement Test (PAT) - Spelling.
This test helps Hennessy by helping teachers to determine students’ current levels of achievement and observe differences in ability and inferring learning progress over time.
This year’s tests demonstrated that Hennessy’s median score for spelling was generally above the norm for the year levels. Year 8’s median score in particular stood out as it was especially above the Year 8 norm. Well done Year 8.
How can students improve their spelling at home? Reading is the best way to develop spelling skills. Crossword puzzles and word games are also useful because of the exposure to words in different contexts and meanings. Ultimately, spelling skills are fundamental to communication and will remain a core-skill into the future.
22 Sep
Public holiday
23 Sep
Pupil Free Day
11 Oct
Students return for Term 4
12 Oct
HSC begins
Year 12 Biology enjoying their last lesson of the course by carrying out some dissection work to help consolidate their knowledge of key concepts!
Last week HSC Music and Art students put on a wonderful showcase for thir parents and staff. It was fabulous to see so much talent!
Mackenzie utilised technology to present two sides of a person.
Michaella's ‘Loss of Dad” captures a sense of peace that was found after the loss of my father.
Year 7 student Cooper Dabin and Year 12 student Jovan Croese attended the NSWCCC Athletics on 12 September.
Cooper received a gold medal in discus, throwing a huge 39.90m. This was followed by a second gold medal for shot put for 11.41m.
We congratulate Cooper and Jovan on such wonderful achievements!
On Tuesday our U16's girls tackle team travelled to Tuggerah to participate in the NSW State Final in the Womens's Rugby League Katrina Fanning Cup.
The girls were in the final eight teams of the state making their way up the ladder on the day to end fifth overall.
A great effort girls!
For the past 5 weeks Year 9 have been working hard to learn and create amazing dance routines to present to their peers and PDHPE teachers.
They have had great attitudes throughout the unit and have created some very polished and highly entertaining dances! We are very proud of their performances ?
Year 10 students recently had the opportunity to participate in a Global Schools Project where they met via Teams with an Irish school.
Some students were lucky enough to attend a NSW Touch Football skills development program today at Cranfield oval. This program aims to build skills and knowledge to support the Junior State Cup competitions.
On the 9th of September 2022 Year 11 students participated in an intensive HSC practicum. Students were taught through practical clay constructions how to apply the frames, conceptual framework and practice to their own works of art. The workshop was both theoretical and practical and presented ways to gain marks in their bodies of work.