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Welcome to Week 8. Our Open Day was held last Thursday and in spite of the wet weather, there was a very good attendance of prospective students with their families. Visitors were treated to a wide variety of displays and lessons to give students an idea of life at Hennessy. A highlight for many was a tour by Hennessy students who are our greatest ambassadors. A huge thank you to Mrs Fiona Tanner for coordinating the day and the many staff who contributed to make this such a success.
You will remember that we were visited earlier this term by a Registration Panel as part of our five yearly registration process. I am now able to share some key findings with you. You are free to read the complete document by requesting this from the Front Office.
The report is categorised by Commendations, Affirmations and Recommendations. General feedback regarding these was:
- The hospitality extended to the panel.
- Genuine professionalism, commitment and dedication of all College staff. It is evident they are passionate about and love Hennessy Catholic College.
- Hennessy Catholic College for their innovation and direction in Teaching and Learning. Collective staff attention to refining the Hennessy Learning Cycle has positioned the cCollege as a leader in Pedagogical practice which maximises student outcomes and supports teacher expertise.
- The Senior Leadership team for their desire to improve student outcomes, both academic and wellbeing.
- The sense of belonging and acceptance students have to be their authentic selves at Hennessy Catholic College.
- Embedding and living of the College mission statement “Live Spiritually, Act Justly, learn Dynamically, Inspiring futures of hope’ by highlighting aspects of it each year as the College theme and in the House awards system.
- The students for their openness, warm welcome, friendliness and obvious pride in their school.
- The parents for their loyalty, support and faith in the school community.
- Hennessy Catholic College for the high regard in which it is held in the broader community.
- The use of Compass in the College to inform a culture of collaboration.
- Continue to refine the College’s teaching and learning cycle to create a model of shared practice aligning with Catalyst professional learning initiatives.
- Develop and evolve resourceful and sustainable partnerships with the wider community with the expressed purpose of improving outcomes of students.
- Develop and embed the student goal setting initiative.
- Ensure that all staff have a consistent and agreed approach to managing student behaviour to enable the successful embedding of the proactive pastoral care model developed by the school.
- Continue to develop and refine the K-12 pathway.
- The College investigates and implements school wide trauma informed practices to continue to build positive relationships.
- The profile of Religious Education is raised in the College and the Religious life of the school is supported and articulated, so the person of Jesus is known, loved and lived in this community.
- Further investigation of opportunities for academic wellbeing and resilience to support a stronger student voice.
- Have a strategic teaching and learning focus on Stage 4 & 5 as the foundation for a successful Stage 6.
This Registration Report gives us valuable feedback on what is going well and also areas of improvement and development for future directions.
Thank you to all those who have already completed the survey Tell Them From Me. The closing date for completion of this survey has been extended to Tuesday, June 15 at 8:30 am.
I will be taking Long Service leave in the last week of term and Mrs Sharon Hibbert will be Acting Principal during this time. Please remember that the first day for students is Monday, July 12 next term and the Pupil Free Day is on the last day of Term 3, September 17.
Please do not hesitate to contact me by email ( if you have any concerns or queries.
Kathy Holding
These will be held Thursday 22nd July from 8am-6pm. More details to come soon.
These have now closed. The students are to be commended on the great way they have selected and a reminder to return the receipt to the Front Office by the end of next week.
Classes will be drawn up soon and class lists released early next term.
YEAR 11 2022
A subject market and Parent Information Night will be held on Tuesday 20th July. Details are being finalised and a letter will be sent home next week.
This will be available next week and the Trials will be held from Monday 2nd August until Friday 13th August. The HSC timetable has been published on the NESA website – please note exams cannot be rescheduled for the HSC.
Assistant Principal - Teaching and Learning Director of Studies
Next term the College community will be undertaking a Cybersafety initiative. This will involve students from year 7 – 11 being surveyed to collect data on their cyber usage. This information will then be used to direct presentations specific to the year group. Hennessy staff will also have a presentation as part of their staff twilight. This presentation will also be open to staff from our feeder schools. There will also be a parent presentation on the evening on Monday 9 August from 7 – 8pm. This presentation will be address concerns raised by students in their surveys.
Thank you to the parents who have supported the College as we have focused over the last few weeks on reducing the incident of vaping in the College. While we are aware of vaping occurring at the College we are actively looking to reduce it by allowing access to areas that it has occurred. This is all driven by student wellbeing as we become increasing aware of the dangers associated with vaping.
The College has also pushed to support students in taking pride in their appearance by wearing their uniform correctly. Whilst this has been an overall success we still have some students wearing their PE uniform on the incorrect day. Students are only allowed to wear their sports uniform if they have Sport, have PE and PASS on the same day or have been directed by a staff member for training or a sporting competition. Male students are also reminded that they need to be clean shaven every day.
Thank you to Mr Peter Igo-Taylor and the Rice House Captains who hosted this terms Dine and Donate. A great night was had by all staff and parents who ventured out on a very chilly night and in excess of 25 meals were donated for use in the local community.
The College has secured an Immersion to Darwin in 2022. We are hoping to expand the numbers and will have more information early in term 3
Next week the College will be hosting the Lemon Car Presentation. This presentation raises the awareness of road safety and what students should be aware of when purchasing their first car. Years 10 and 11 will view the presentation.
As always if you have any concerns please contact your child’s PC teacher or any member of the College’s Wellbeing Team.
Mark Chifley
Assistant Principal
Mission and Wellbeing
Tuesday evenings Rice House Dine and Donate was a successful evening for all who attended.Thanks to Meg Worner, Rowena and the students from Hospitality for your wonderful efforts, preparing the ingredients and layout including the decorations on the table and assisting on the night. Thanks to Sharon Hibbert and Andrew Fouracre for attending.
Thanks also Brooke McCann and family, thank you Suzie Duff for your support and hard work on the night and beforehand preparing the Sticky Date Pudding.
Thank you to the hospitality students who assisted on the night with cleaning and helping us find our way around the Kitchen. These students have been given a house point for their excellent efforts. Thank you also to Ella Nott, Halle Dreverman, Grace Gibson, Ailish Moore, Lillian Williams, Justin Garlick and Charlotte Cottrell and parents that came along with these students from Rice House. If I have missed anyone, my apologies.
Mr Peter Igoe-Taylor
Head of Rice House
On Tuesday 18 May, Matt Wilson and Jordan Thuma visited Hennessy Catholic College students. Matt and Jordan are Youth Officers from St Vincent de Paul Society, Canberra and Goulburn.
Matt and Jordan have the important work of running workshops in schools, parishes and at events around the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn, to raise awareness of the work of Vinnies. They both are involved in running camps for kids on the margins, and passionately love their work.
Matt and Jordan spoke to our assembly in the morning, leading the students in a game and testing their knowledge about homelessness and its effects on people in this country.
They spoke to 10 Religious Education classes throughout the day, finishing with a session in E10 with more than 100 students.
They then did an interactive Professional Development staff where they challenged our teachers to put themselves in the shoes of those experiencing poverty and marginalisation.
Matt and Jordan’s visit helped our students to understand why we fundraise for Vinnies, and contextualized our theme of “Pyjamas” for Hennessy Day throughout their presentations.
We hope that Matt and Jordan will come and visit us again and are grateful for their efforts!
One of the most important parts of our school is our Catholic Identity, and our Hennessy Day Eucharistic Celebration brought together our entire College in this spirit.
More than sixty Hennessy students were involved in the Mass, as altar servers, readers, carrying banners, flags, symbols and participation in the offertory procession.
We had a thirty-strong music ministry in the choir loft, with Year 11 students accompanying and choir members from Years 7-12. Mrs Catherine Riordan, Ms Beth Doherty and Mr Damien Foley supported these students in their rehearsals.
The readings and songs were chosen to reflect a theme of “developing a merciful heart for the poor” as we raised money for the work of the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal.
There were some lovely surprises during the Mass, including a moving rendition of “Awesome God” sung by Luke Jewitt (Year 10).
Year 11 students Maddi Wegmann, Jordan Beath, Kiarna Newham and Trysta Willoughby sang “The cry of the poor” and Year 8 students Lizzie Reeves and Ashley Langfield sang “What a beautiful name” as a reflection hymn.
Perhaps the highlight of the morning was the appearance during the Gospel Procession of “Joseph the sheep”, a four-week-old lamb, which is being raised by Year 8 student Clancy Douglas. Fr Joe paraded the sheep around for a few minutes, and this fit in nicely with our theme and our readings of the day.
Fr Joe encouraged all of the students to think about how they can be the “life of God” in this community.
Thank you to all students who participated so reverently and to Fr Joe Neonbasu who celebrated the Mass for us.
The College community council are planning to hold a WALK -A-THON as its major fundraiser for 2021.
To assist with the organisation we are hoping to form a subcommittee.
If you are able to assist in any way shape or form we would love to hear from you. As many hands make light work.
If you are interested in helping please contact the college on 63821486 or email
On Friday the 4th of June we took 5 basketball teams to Tuggeranong. Most teams played 3-4 games, unfortunately showing more defeats than success on the day. All students showed great skills, perseverance and team morale throughout the day. We are very proud of their efforts and their presentation in representing the College.
The players player from the 9/10 B boys team was Charlie Hunter.
The players player from the 9/10 A boys team was Leo Song.
The players player from the 7/8 boys team was Xavier Capra.
The players player from the 11/12 girls team was Chelsea House.
The players player from the 11/12 boys team was Mitch Prest.